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16 November

First installation in Bhutan! Buddha Dordenma statue

Buddha is a term which in Buddhism describes an individual who has achieved enlightenmen...

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15 November

New iNELS RF showroom in Lebanon

We are proudly to announce that our business partner has just opened a new showroo...

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10 November

Echoes from the international exhibition HI-TECH Building

In the period from 28th till 30th October 2015 we have participated in the International exhibition 

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03 November

European Utility Week right now.

from 3rd till 5th of November 2015 we are exhibiting at European Utility Week, You can find us at stand number A.j.27.

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18 October

iNELS success in MEXICO!

Our smart building solution – iNELS system has been shown to potential partners and visitors that have been fam...

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