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04 February

LARA is not only radio and music player...

LARA manages to be a radio and a music player, but is also an intercom, a video and audio in one! It is great for ins...

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20 January

Lara Radio and Intercom configurator

Have you ever thought about audio-video (AV) for your home, hotel, restaurant or cafeteria? Have you not been sure ab...

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14 January

iNELS Home Control App gets a new look!

iNELS Home Control App enables you to intuitively and smoothly control your home technology and appliances through yo...

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18 December

Merry Christmas

Dear business friends, please allow me to thank you sincerely for all the cooperation this past year, and to wish you...

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14 December

The others only sell....But we also develop and produce ourselves!

Everybody asks the supplier "Where is it from? Who makes it?"“ nly we can boldly say "It's f...

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